Best Cartoons for Kids with Special Needs

 A lot of parents believe that screentime is a waste of time, but I am here to tell you it is not always the case….


 A lot of parents believe that screentime is a waste of time, but I am here to tell you it is not always the case. Of course there should be a limited time to screentime, but no screen time is not necessary. My son learns new words and actions by repeating and mimicking and I have found some cartoons to be great for this. While you are here, I’ll tell you which haven’t helped him at all. Just because some cartoons are not on this list doesn’t mean they aren’t any good, this is my perspective as of now with my special needs child.

Here is a list of cartoons that actually taught my autistic child a thing or two.


Has come a long way and has also created a cartoon version. We love Elmo’s world because of the real life experiences, careers and scenarios that are presented. Another plus is that there are enough Elmo things around to continue grasping your kiddo’s attention. What do I mean by that? Well books, toilet covers, games, toothbrushes etc. Elmo goes a long way.

Mickey Mouse

Along with a long way goes Mickey Mouse. I will say though, the best one is Mickey’s Clubhouse since it focuses on solving problems and logic. They do have a made up word in the series that makes it a little unreliable but other than that Mickey’s Clubhouse is entertaining, and the vocabulary is super for kids.

Cory Carson

It’s educational, focuses on problem solving and a healthy family dynamic. They speak clearly and best of all, it’s fun to watch! Don’t sleep on Cory Carson which is available on Netflix!

Ms. Rachel

She has been my sons favorite for a while. She has recently become more well-known of since Tiktok parents starting exposing her, only for the good things your kids can learn from her. She teaches sign languages, speaks slow enough for students to understand, she repeats and gives kids time to answer or mimic her actions or words. This is indeed my favorite show. This is a great show for Autistic kids that learn words from repeating and then applying them to life. My son learns greatly this way and I want to thank Ms. Rachel for being part of our journey.


Bluey isn’t just a cute show, but the family dynamic is amazing. My son isn’t into Bluey, but I know quality when I see it. There are now enough Bluey toys to motivate your child beyond the cartoons! I hope that sometime soon my son will pick up on this awesome show.

Word World

Many people may have forgotten this gem since they are an older show, but this show is incredible! It is engaging, it spells out words, there is problem solving, teamwork and fun music to go along with it. Don’t sleep on this show. Available on Youtube or Amazon Prime for purchase.

Which cartoons don’t really teach much?

I noticed that certain cartoons do not offer anything but entertainment or ideas like jumping off things for my son. This could be it’s own post but I rather focus on the positive. Here are two of the cartoons I wouldn’t recommend: Masha and the Bear and Sunnybunnies. These cartoons are super entertaining and offer my kid all the laughs in the world, but at the end of the day there is not a lot of dialogue or a lesson to be learned.